







Merit Evergreen - 728x90
Posts in Fashion
Tips on Buying Jewelry

Jewelry is my favorite way to elevate any outfit!

However, buying jewelry can be fairly confusing, especially if you’re relatively new to this. Since jewelry prices can range from double digits to several thousand, it’s a good idea to understand why jewelry can be expensive and what you should look for based on your personal needs. Today, I’m sharing a brief guide on how to buy jewelry.

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Tie-Dye Must-Haves and Tips and Tricks

Nobody thought that tie-dye would make a HUGE comeback but here we are, and I think this trend’s gonna stay awhile, thanks (or no thanks) to Corona. Like you, I wanted my own tie-dye stuff and started shopping around but was shocked at how much some of the clothes cost! I thought, heck, I can make these myself! And after seeing a lot of TikToks and my sisters creating their own, I took the plunge and shopped for tie-dye supplies and created my own shirts and hoodie!

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