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FRIDAY's 10 Happy Things | 13

It's already that time when we list the top 10 things that made us happy this week! ✨ 

  1. I don't know what made me re-watch Hunter X Hunter, but I did and I'm on Season 3 already! I LOVE THAT SHOW SO MUCH! After I finish that, I'll probable re-watch Detective Conan! 
  2. I tried out my new Morphe 35O palette this week and it's really impressive! The eyeshadows are very pigmented and they're so easy to blend!!! It's so good!
  3. I know my sleeping habits are the worst, but I won't deny the fact that waking up at 12PM and not having the pressure to get up is one of my favorite feelings ever!
  4. My cute little Christmas tree!
  5. The smell of our room! The pinecones Jorge and I bought from Michaels are making our room smell like Christmas! DIY posts coming up soon!
  6. Gold spray paint that cost $3 can make a world of a difference!
  7. Receiving a package from Colourpop will always brighten my day! 
  8. Do you like the slight changes on my website? I LOVE IT!!! 
  9. Was given the opportunity to collaborate with an awesome brand! 😄
  10. My new workstation! You've probably seen it in my Snapchat but in case you didn't know already, we went to IKEA to pick up some tables for Jorge and I! They're white, they're cheap, they're amazing! I LOVE IT! Makes me more eager to write and share more stuff with you guys!

How was your week? 

this is a blog link-up by blog.ditz-revolution

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