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How to Be One Of Life's Winners

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As a society, we enjoy winning-- and we enjoy watching those we are a fan of winning. There are lots of advantages to taking the victory, in particular when the win was a tough one. Winning increases your confidence and leaves you feeling good about yourself.

If you want to be a winner in life, here are some awesome tips about how you can do so. 

1. Set goals 

This is a no-brainer but most people still forget to do this, myself included! Imagine you set out to achieve something, but you had no idea where you were going. Would you be able to win? No, because there’s no chance your eye could be on the prize if you don’t know what that prize is. You need to have something to aim towards in order to avoid wandering aimlessly 

2. Create winning habits 

Start by looking at things with a completely different perspective. See them as challenges that need overcoming rather than just tasks. You will then see yourself setting and winning at challenges every single day which shifts your mindset to that of a winner. You will become used to doing things you couldn’t before which is the winner’s mentality you need.

As for me, I’m starting to drink more water throughout the day, adding regular cardio to my daily routine, making better choices in my diet, NOT watching Netflix before going to bed, listing down things I’m grateful for the day, wearing actual clothes during my work hours, putting makeup on to help make me feel like I’m ready to take on the day, etc. What habits are you starting this year?

3. Learn to be okay with failing 

This might be a hard pill to swallow but it’s an important lesson we all must learn. Winners scarcely always win. Sometimes they fail, but it is through those failures that they can learn. Failing should never be a demotivating factor for you- use the lesson as a guide that will help you to win the next time.

4. Learn something new everyday 

Whatever it is that you want to learn, try to do it every day. For example, if you want to win every scrabble game you ever play, get yourself onto a scrabble word finder website and study. When it comes to winning- knowledge is always going to be power.

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5. Stay focused- Keep your eyes on the prize 

It is incredibly important to stay focused on your goal. The finishing line is always the thing that matters the most. If you’re not focused, the chances are, you’re not taking things as seriously as you should be and you’ll never get better. One great tip I can give you is to create a mood board or a “goal board”. Have a visual representation of what you want to achieve or where you want to go so you’re always reminded of why you’re doing what you’re doing in the first place!

6. Be Committed 

The main difference between winners and losers is that losers will quit at the first hurdle and winners jump right over them- no matter the obstacle. Winners who have a clear idea what it is they want in life know exactly what they want.

7. Be willing to work harder than others 

At the end of the day, in order to get where you want to in life, to do better and be better, you have to be willing to put in the hard work to achieve. The more effort you put in, too, will get you better results- no matter what area of your life- whether that is professional, personal, or in parenting.

What are your tips for winning at life? Share them below 

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