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Life Lately | 05

The last time I posted about my "life lately" was three months ago! Anyway, I thought it was about time I write about the things happening in my life right now. 

  • I've really been enjoying Snapchat, A LOT! I like updating you guys with little snippets of my daily life. It's like vlogging but not really. HAHA. I don't know. It also challenges me to talk more and it's like a training ground for me until I really start doing weekly VLOGS. Let me know if that is something you want to see from me. Follow me on SNAPCHAT yo! Username is (at)corinthsuarez!
  • I AM IN LOVE WITH HUNTER! My sister gave birth to this really angelic little boy and I am head over heels in love with him. He is he cutest and calmest baby boy I have ever met. I actually look forward to seeing him everyday and I actually enjoy carrying him and staring at his face. I don't know. I'm growing up I guess. HAHA. He actually makes me feel excited to have a baby na. 
  • Jorge and I really enjoy driving out to places we have never been to before. We really enjoy exploring for Instagram. HAHA.  
  • I cannot believe I'm actually running. I didn't think that I would really do it but now, I actually push myself to go out there. I need to lose weight because I've come to a point where I'm not happy with how I look. I would always tell myself all kinds of excuses like "life is too short to NOT eat what I want" "I don't care if I'm fat, my husband will love me no matter what" "I can't do Insanity because I'm on my period". I'm tired of telling myself that I CAN'T DO IT because the reality is, I CAN and I AM ABLE to so I WILL! I have a problem with my weight and it's about time that I solve it.
  • I AM OBSESSED WITH WATCHING YOUTUBE VIDEOS and at the same time, YouTube inspires me to create more content! I think I have the passion for creating videos and I really want to pursue it, alongside my love for photography. I try to put out videos the best I can and I might just start doing it more often. WATCH LATEST VLOG: #CorinthGoestoVancouver
  • I finally got my passport and I only need a few more things before I can send it off. I'm really hoping to get out of Whitehorse by this year. PLEASE LORD! PLEASE!
  • I have become more and more lazy on washing my hair. I know it's bad to wash the hair daily but in my case, I always go home with hair smelling like stale coffee because I am a barista and as much as possible, I want to sleep with my hair clean and actually smelling clean. But lately, I've just NOT been feeling it. I need to start using dry shampoo because my hair gets oily really quick. See my dilemma here. 
  • I really enjoying reading other bloggers' lives and I love how their blogs make me feel connected to them. My recent daily visits: Helga, Camie, Shayne, Bethany, Raisa, Ellie, and Jae.
  • It's already been 11 months since I married Jorge. Time flies! Next month we celebrate our first wedding anniversary and that's pretty crazy! We celebrate by going on adventure dates. Yesterday, we drove to Haines and visited Kathleen Lake. It was the best road trip yet! VLOG coming soon! It's summer. Jorge and I plan to see more places around the Yukon before winter creeps up on us again. 
  • Life has been pretty chill lately. I work, go home, rest, run, write a little, or read a little, then watch movies/shows, bond with sisters and niece, be with husband then sleep. I just can't wait for what the future holds for me and Jorge. I need a change! I'm starting with my body. <3

See this gallery in the original post