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Plan With Me : November 2017

It's been a while since my last bullet journal post, and I am so glad to be finally back!

If you guys don't already know, I switched to an Erin Condren planner a few months ago after I used up all the pages of my first bullet journal.  It was great while it lasted, and sadly, I didn't last at all! To say that the transition from my bullet journal to a planner was challenging is an understatement. Don't get me wrong, the planner was really great, very cute, and the pages worked, but I have learned a few things about myself, and one of the things is that PLANNERS DON'T WORK FOR ME.


  • I've learned that I needed to be motivated to actually pick up the planner to plan. When I used a bullet journal, the bujo itself was my motivation because I created the pages myself.
  • Speaking of pages, I learned that I can't stick to one layout because I get bored easily. Planners usually have a set layout for the entire year. If you can't be bothered making your own pages, planners are awesome! But for creative people like myself, bullet journaling has been the creative outlet we didn't think we needed.
  • The planner felt constricting for me, and I always felt the need to grab a different notebook for my other writing needs. With a bullet journal, you can make it to anything you need it to be! I learned that I love things that are versatile, and can be used for my benefit. I didn't like that I had to adjust to my planner instead of the opposite.
  • I've learned that I love to personalize my planning notebooks, aka, my bullet journal. Like I said before, planners have set layouts which are usually lined and everything. This is a personal thing, but I didn't feel okay writing or drawing over the lines. It looked really messy to me, and there wasn't enough space to be creative on it. My bullet journal has dotted pages, and I love the freedom that comes with that!
  • Finally, I've learned that planners are so dang expensive, especially that Erin Condren one. I was blessed to have been gifted the one that I used for a couple of months, but dang, #dassespensive for something you use for ONE THING! I know I'm exaggerating a little bit, but like I said, I love that bullet journals are so flexible and we adjust IT to OUR needs.

November is actually the second month in my brand new bujo. I forgot to take pictures of the unfilled pages of my October spreads because I got way too excited. As always, I took inspiration, aka straight up copied, my favorite bullet journalist, Amanda Rach Lee. I don't think I need to explain anything to you guys anymore as it's basically the same types of layouts as the ones I have featured here before, but if you have any questions, comment down below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. :)

PS: I still included a short description on each spread. 

MY MONTHLY SPREAD -  switched to a more visually pleasing layout. I found that it helped me see the month better because I grew up looking at calendars.

MY MOOD & HABIT TRACKERS - I adopted Amanda's new version of tracking things, and I loved her idea of coloring in a crystal (the theme of the month) depending on my mood that day. I feel more motivated to do these trackers because I know in the end, they're gonna look pretty. My trackers in my past bullet journal were big failures to say the least haha.

I combined MY MONTHLY FAVORITES AND MEMORIES because I realized that I didn't need two pages for them anymore. IT's the same case for my WERK PLAN page. As you can see, I made it very compact.

I changed the name of my GRATITUDE page and called it WHAT'S IN A DAY, because I realized that I have been turning these pages into a little mini diary of what happened in my day, instead of the things I was thankful for. I still write down those things of course, but I just thought this title was more apt.

MY WEEKLY SPREAD has got to be my favorite spread so far. I mean, just look at it! 

I hope you found this post helpful! If you did, please share it everywhere. That would mean so much to me!

If you want more inspo from the bujo queen herself, be sure to check out Amanda's channel! And be sure to scroll down to links on all the pens I used for this month.


See this gallery in the original post