







Merit Evergreen - 728x90
Posts in Motherhood
5 Things I Do That Help Me Feel Like Myself Again ⏤ Postpartum Diaries

My postpartum recovery definitely took a toll on my body. I still don’t feel my 100% because one, my wound still hasn’t healed, and two, my baby weight is still on me. I know a lot of moms say to give the body time to heal, adjust, and be what it’s supposed to be for the baby, I can’t help but feel awful whenever I feel the pangs of pain down there and when I see myself in the mirror and in pictures. Like, girl, you really that big?! But I know all of this is temporary… that I will heal eventually, and that my body will shed its extra love handles.

Today, I will be sharing with you the things that I do to cope while I’m still on this road to complete recovery.

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What's In Our Diaper Bag

Nowadays, the one thing I cannot leave the house without is the diaper bag.

It literally holds EVERYTHING we could possibly need in a day, that when we forget it (which we’ve actually done already haha), we’re doomed. So before leaving home, I make sure to pack all the essentials in the diaper bag, and remember to pick up the said bag before heading out the door.

Today, I will be spilling all the guts out of our heavy diaper bag to show you what we pack with us every single day. #FindYourBalance

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The Diaper Bag Every Mom Should Have

If you're a first time mom, or a mom in general, you know the struggle of finding the perfect diaper bag for baby.

There are so many options out there, how can you choose?! Most of the time, we choose the bag that will benefit baby the most ⏤ size, style, color, these all come into play. But if you really think about, we're the ones to actually use the bag; the mommies! So now that we've established who the diaper bag is really for, choosing just got a little harder, especially when there are so many good and stylish diaper bags out there! Let me help you out on that!

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