







Merit Evergreen - 728x90
Posts in Beauty
Zero to 100 Real Quick, Thanks To These 3D Mink Lashes

I thank the Lord for blessing me with good lashes, and I will never forget that natural will always be better, but sometimes, when you want to look extra, having a little help doesn't hurt. 

I've never tried 3D Mink lashes before, so I was so excited when Private Label Extrensions agreed to collaborate with me. They allowed me to pick two styles, and of course, I chose one that's perfect for no makeup makeup days, and one that's suitable for more dramatic makeup looks.

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7 Easy Steps on How To Get Clear and Healthy Skin

I finally found the perfect skincare routine for my skin, and you have no idea how overjoyed I am about this! My skin has always suffered from painful breakouts, unending blemishes and dullness, and even though I've tried so many "good" skin care products to help with my skin issues, nothing has really made a difference. But last year, I was introduced to Memebox, and I'm confident to say that my skin has never look its best; some of you have even said so!

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This brand uses what for the hair?

"Yogurt for your hair?! FOR REAL?" you may ask...

And the answer is YES, FOR REAL! When I saw on Instagram that HASK was launching a new line of hair products with greek yogurt as their key ingredient, I became very curious and intrigued! I know that yogurt is great for your digestive system, but for your hair? Are they serious?! I then got an email from HASK asking if I wanted to do a collaboration with them again, and of course I said yes! We've had a great relationship, and I love their products, so I was so excited when they told me that they wanted to send me their new products, including some from their Greek Yogurt line!

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Bring the spa home with Evian® Facial Spray + 4 ways to use it in your Makeup Routine ⏤ Giveaway

There are so many facial sprays in the market right now, but are we sure that they're actually good for our skin? Evian® is known for its natural mineral water straight from the heart of the French Alps, which means that it is free from any chemical treatment and is absolutely pure as pure can be. Evian® Facial Spray is dermatologically-tested and has a balance of minerals and a neutral pH, ideal for all skin types. Also, this facial spray releases several million micro-droplets in one second! The mist it releases is holy fine, which instantly hydrates and refreshes skin! #AnytimeSpa  

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7 Tips on How To Avoid Dry Skin This Winter

I know I say this a lot, but I have a love-hate relationship with the cold. I love it because I get to dress better by layering my favorite fall and winter pieces, it's the perfect excuse to make myself a second (or third!) cup of coffee, and it means that the holidays are just around the corner! Now, on the other hand, it also means that it's the season of dryer air, which can result to painful chapped lips, dry throats, and dehydrated skin. Who wants that? I certainly do not, so today, I will be sharing with you a few tips on how I keep my skin hydrated during the colder months. #WetSkinMoisturizer #CollectiveBias

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