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Posts in Food
3 Ways You Can Make Break Time Brighter

We're already a full week into September, and that only means that it's just going to get busier. With school starting, autumn brewing, and Thanksgiving and the holidays waiting around the corner, it's safe to say that life is going to be a little bit more hectic than usual, and it's important to remember to take breaks in the midst of chaos.

I love breaks because it's a time for rest and refreshment, not just physically, but mentally as well. And so today, I will be sharing with you 3 ways you can make your breaks brighter! 

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3 Ways To Enjoy The New Häagen-Dazs Trio Ice Cream

It is mid-April, and we are finally experiencing beautiful 80-degree days! The sun stays out a little longer, more and more trees are blooming into life, and friends and families get to do more fun things outdoors!

Just a few days ago, my husband and I, along with a few of our friends explored Washington, DC. And because the weather was so nice that day, we decided to explore the city riding those red DC rental bikes! I have never done that before, and it was pretty amazing! I'm not much for spontaneity, but when it comes to exploring new places, in an extraordinary way, I'm so down for! That DC experience was definitely one for the books! #HäagenDazs #JOURNEYTOÄAH

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How I Satisfy My Guilty Pleasure Minus The Guilt

All my close friends and avid readers know that I have the sweetest tooth ever, and sometimes it's so hard for me to indulge because I always feel the guilt creep up on me as soon as I grab the sweetest thing we have at home. And for someone who ALWAYS wants dessert right after every meal, feeling guilty is not something I look forward to. 

I'm so excited to let you know that I discovered this really delicious treat at my local Giant Store that made me NOT feel bad about satisfying my deadly cravings. #Yo2 #ItsTheCows

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Food, LifeCorinth Comments
3 Reasons Why You Should Try This Meal Delivery Service

Cooking is not my forte, God knows I need help in that department! Not only that, I don't like doing grocery shopping either! Isn't that weird? So when I heard about Home Chef, a meal kit delivery service, which is supposed to make your life easier, naturally, I had to try it! Today I will be talking to you about my experience with this service, and the reasons why I'm now #HookedOnHomeChef.

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Why I Stopped Buying Honey

I recently discovered Truvia® Nectar and I'm letting you know that it has permanently replaced the honey jar and sugar in our kitchen cabinet because it contains 50% less calories than sugar! If you are a sweet tooth like me, this is good news for you because now, you don't have to cut down on sugar, you just have to replace it with something better! #UseNectar

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How it Feels to be Hangry

Have you ever had those moments where you've got a million things to do, then all of a sudden, the littlest things annoy the heck out of you? The random questions thrown at you suddenly sound like the cries of babies on a plane; the slightest brush on the shoulder feel too intrusive. You start to lose control of your body and you end up hurting yourself because you're not thinking straight anymore. The stress levels are high, and you start to feel like you're losing your mind, like you just want to punch something, rip your hair out, or cry on the floor for no clear reason?

If you're not on your period then you probably are just HANGRY my friend. Is that even a real word, you might ask. The answer is yes. (I Googled this okay!) #EnjoyLunch #LeanPockets

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