







Merit Evergreen - 728x90
How I take my self-timer portraits

If you're following me on Instagram, you probably already know that I created the hashtag #CorinthTheExplorer for my self-portraits. They're the photos I took of myself, by myself, because nobody else was there to take photos of me. I know, sad right, but there's good news! It has helped me enhance my ~*photography*~ skills when it comes to using the self-timer. Using the self-timer is harder than I thought it would be but like any other skill, with practice, I've come to enjoy and love taking self-portraits using the self-timer.

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Explore With Corinth: Black Street Stairs

When the rest of the family decide to go grocery shopping, expect Jorge and I to always NOT go with them because, well, I'll be honest, I don't really like going to Superstore unless I really have to. Since my sisters are so used to taking care of that grocery shopping list, Jorge and I decided to just go somewhere today while my sisters were in Superstore. We went to Black Street and we climbed its stairs.

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Eat With Corinth: Jorge's Waffle Breakfast

One of the perks of being married is having a husband who prepares breakfast. I know, it should be the other way around, but Jorge is an amazing husband so he makes me breakfast most mornings and his signature breakfast meal is this mouthwatering ham and egg with cheddar cheese waffle! I want to try making this but I’d probably end up massacre-ing the eggs so I’d rather have Jorge make our breakfast sandwiches all the time. HIHI. I’ve seen how Jorge makes these bad boys and now, I’m making a blog post about his recipe. It’s not so hard so I’m sure you’ll enjoy making this yourself. 

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Bye bye LDR

Time really does fly. I can’t believe it’s already been a month since Jorge moved to Canada. I remember the times when we just couldn’t wait for our long distance relationship to end because it really sucked to be apart, but today marks one month of NOT being APART and that’s something to celebrate. (We’re having daing na bangus and Coke for dinner so yes, we’re having a celebration indeed.) Happy one month of BYEBYE L.D.R.!

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